
Numer produktu: 10101563
EAN: 4024596101091

37,94 zł*

Treść: 400 ml (37,94 zł* / 400 ml)
Informacje dot. produktu

WEICON Anti-Spatter Spray HP is a high-quality release agent and lubricant and is used for cleaning welding tips, welding nozzles and gas nozzles. It also protects workpieces and surfaces to be welded from the adhesion and penetration of weld spatter without impairing the weld seam. The silicone-free Anti-Spatter Spray HP provides long-term protection for the treated surfaces. Using the spray minimises downtimes and interruptions in the production process for cleaning the welding equipment. The use of the spray eliminates the need to clean the workpieces with a spatula, brush or chisel. Post-treatment of the workpieces (such as bronzing, galvanising, anodising or painting) is possible without special cleaning. Cleaning, e.g. with WEICON Cleaner Spray S, may be necessary in the case of excessive spraying.

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