Weicon honored as Supplier of the Year
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Family business at the forefront of “adhesive bonding technology”
Weicon, the Muenster-based manufacturer of adhesives and sealants, has been named Supplier of the Year by the VTH Technical Dealers. In the process, the family-owned company prevailed over 46 other suppliers in the "Adhesive Technology" sector. The award ceremony took place on Friday at the VTH annual conference in Düsseldorf.
Behind the abbreviation VTH stands the Verband Technischer Handel e. V. – the only trade association for the technical trade sector and professional association for technical traders in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Weicon is one of around 230 members of the association and has been one of the VTH Quality Partners since 2019 – a group of 20 companies that cooperate directly with the technical trade in the D-A-CH countries.
Best supplier according to survey
The VTH has been conducting its annual “Supplier of the Year” survey since 1984, in which the technical distributors who are members of the association can rate their main suppliers for a specific product group. This year, the product group “Adhesive Bonding Technology” was chosen. The criteria evaluated were cooperation in a spirit of partnership, sales support, pricing, information policy, product range, quality, delivery service and future prospects.
With a score of 3.49 out of a possible 4, Weicon was given the best rating compared to all other suppliers assessed in the “Adhesive Bonding Technology” sector.
“It makes us very proud that we were able to prevail against numerous well-known “global players” in the field of adhesive bonding technology and that we can now call ourselves VTH Supplier of the Year. We are always and everywhere available for our customers and dealers. This award shows that this service is valued,” says Ralph Weidling, Managing Director of Weicon. “We even came out on top in five of the eight evaluation criteria. Let's see what else we can get out of this in the future,” adds Patrick Neuhaus, Head of Sales in the D-A-CH region at Weicon with a twinkle in his eye. Together with the management, he accepted the award in Düsseldorf.
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